Drain Services Photo Gallery

Our Drain Services Photo Gallery

At Flow Pro Plumbing, we understand the inconvenience and potential hazards associated with clogged drains. That’s why we offer comprehensive drain cleaning services designed to ensure that all types of drains, whether inside or outside your home, function efficiently and trouble-free. Check out some photos of our plumbers at work!

Types of Drains in Your Home

1. Sink Drains:

Found in your kitchen, bathroom, and utility rooms, sink drains are prone to clogging from everyday substances like food particles, soap scum, hair, and grease.

2. Toilet Drains:

These are specifically designed to handle human waste and toilet paper. Clogging often occurs when non-flushable items are introduced into the system.

3. Shower and Tub Drains:

These drains frequently become clogged with hair, soap buildup, and sometimes small objects like bottle caps or jewelry.

4. Floor Drains:

Located in basements, garages, and laundry rooms, these drains are essential in preventing water buildup and need regular maintenance to keep clear.

Drains Outside the Home

1. Gutter Drains:

Also known as downspouts, these direct rainwater away from your home’s foundation. Leaves and debris are common culprits for clogs.

2. Storm Drains:

Found at street corners or at low points on your property, storm drains manage rain and ground water. They can be blocked by leaves, trash, or silt.

3. French Drains:

These are subterranean pipes surrounded by gravel and designed to prevent ground and surface water from damaging building foundations.

Regular maintenance depends on usage and the type of drain, but we recommend professional cleaning at least once a year to prevent major clogs and backups.

While chemical drain cleaners offer a temporary solution, they can also cause damage to your pipes if used repeatedly. For persistent or severe clogs, professional cleaning is safer and more effective.

Slow draining, unpleasant odors, gurgling sounds, and water backing up are all indicators that your drains might be clogged and require attention.

Avoid flushing non-flushable items down the toilet, install hair catchers in shower drains, do not pour grease down kitchen sinks, and regularly clean strainers and stoppers.

Outdoor drains can often be cleared by removing visible debris. However, if the problem persists, it could indicate a deeper blockage that might require professional hydro jetting or snaking.

Choose Flow Pro Plumbing for Your Drain Cleaning Needs!

At Flow Pro Plumbing, we’re equipped with the latest tools and technology to effectively clean and maintain all types of drains. Contact us today to schedule a service or consultation, and experience the professional difference!